Anagha Reghu Nair
Speech & Language Therapist
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I am a Speech Language Therapist with a background in India, where I completed my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Prior to joining this clinic, I gained experience working as a pediatric SLP and developed a deep affection for working with children. I have received training in TalkTools and other feeding courses, and I am always eager to learn new evidence-based practices. During my clinical training, I worked with a diverse range of conditions including ASD, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Intellectual Disability, developmental delay, Speech Sound Disorders, and learning disabilities. Additionally, I am a certified member of the Rehabilitation Council of India. I have a strong passion for building connections with families and assisting them in understanding and supporting their child’s needs. By fostering a safe and nurturing environment, I strive to empower families to better comprehend and engage with their child. As a speech therapist, my goal is to facilitate effective communication and enhance the overall well-being of the child and their family.
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