Supporting parents in maximising their children's potential

One-stop child development centre

Supporting Parents To Maximise Their Kids Potential

One Stop Centre For All Your Child’s Developmental Needs

Supporting Parents To Maximise Their Kids Potential

Parent’s One Stop Centre For All Their Child’s Developmental Needs

Our Programmes

Our Programmes

Some of our in-demand programmes that other parents are sending their kids to. Click the programmes below to discover what each of these programmes offer.

Our Programmes

Some of our in-demand programmes that other parents are sending their kids to. Click Learn More to discover what each of these programmes has to offer.

Early Intervention Programme

Learning Support

Occupational Therapy

Speech & Language Therapy

Our Approach

Addressing the root cause from the botttom-up

What is the ‘bottom-up’ approach, and why is it important?

The bottom-up approach refers to therapy that begins by targeting the parts of the brain that are responsible for automatic and survival reflexes (such as our fight, flight or freeze response). By using the bottom-up approach, The Energy Source addresses the root causes of many of the symptoms that we see in children with developmental and neurological conditions. It also enables us to direct your child to the right therapy services. Our programme works on rebuilding the foundation of the nervous system, allowing the brain to develop at its optimal potential, creating lasting changes. It includes:

  • The Pyramid of Learning
  • The Safe and Sound Protocol
  • The Primitive Reflex and Brain-Training Programme
  • On-going Therapy Support

Our Approach

Addressing the root cause from the botttom-up

What is the ‘bottom-up’ approach, and why is it important?

The bottom-up approach refers to therapy that begins by targeting the parts of the brain that are responsible for automatic and survival reflexes (such as our fight, flight or freeze response). By using the bottom-up approach, The Energy Source addresses the root causes of many of the symptoms that we see in children with developmental and neurological conditions. It also enables us to direct your child to the right therapy services. Our programme works on rebuilding the foundation of the nervous system, allowing the brain to develop at its optimal potential, creating lasting changes. It includes:

  • The Pyramid of Learning
  • The Safe and Sound Protocol
  • The Primitive Reflex and Brain-Training Programme
  • On-going Therapy Support

Early Intervention Programme

Learning Support

Occupational Therapy

Speech & Language Therapy

Why The Energy Source is the right centre for you.

We are a one-stop child development centre based in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur offering an early intervention programme, assessments, and therapy services. We also provide specialist-led group classes and learning support programmes!

Why The Energy Source is the right centre for you.

We are a one-stop child development centre based in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur offering an early intervention programme, assessments, and therapy services. We also provide specialist-led group classes and learning support programmes!

Why The Energy Source is the right centre for you.

We are a one-stop child development centre based in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur offering an early intervention programme, assessments, and therapy services. We also provide specialist-led group classes and learning support programmes!

What parents say about TES

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